Port City at Dusk

(AKA) Shreveport, LA.

I found this great place to compose a skyline of downtown from the top of parking garage for a casino. Except for one rub. To the left of this picture is a huge stadium light pole shining back onto the casino. This prevented me from going a bit wider and getting the line of the truss rail bridge going all the way into the city. If it were during the day, I might have went ahead and just painstakingly cloned the pole out. But this one was taken right after the sun at the horizon behind the city. With the long exposure needed, that light pole would have likely blown out a huge part of the photo.  I moved over and had to extend my focal length to 50mm to get out in front of it a bit.  The light still wrecked havoc on the lower-left of the photo, forcing me to crop it even more. But what can you do? Maybe I should write the manager an angry photog letter.

This was a blending of a 6sec exposure and a 4sec exposure in Photoshop, allowing me to bring up the exposure on the buildings as they were a tad dark and very few lights were on.

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